Wednesday 28 August 2013

Making a Headline on The Web Design

Your headline has a huge impact on your sales. It's often the first thing visitors to your site see so it must grab their attention and compel them to read your sales letter.

A successful headline should highlight a problem your target audience faces and stress the main benefit of your product or service in solving this problem. Let's look at an example that illustrates how a headline can be changed for maximum impact.

One of our clients was using the following headline on his site: "Box4Blox--The Amazing Toy Storage Box For Lego." The problem with this headline is that it tells you what the product is, but not what it does for you. It doesn't give a visitor any good reason to continue reading the rest of the page.

Contrast that one with this: "Finally! Discover the Secret That's Got More Than 50,000 LEGO-Crazy Kids Worldwide Actually LOVING Clean-Up Time!" This headline presents a major benefit of the product and a solution to a problem--in this case, how to get kids to clean up after themselves and actually enjoy it.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Marketing Your Website

First, we must stimulate the Attention, then get interest, then build on the Desire of the prospect then ask for Action so you can get a result with selling your product or booking your service.  Getting along  each step of the buying funnel means that your customer or client is better able to navigate along the buying path without feeling pressured or uncertain that the purchase is the right thing to  do.

Nothing looks more professional and works as effectively as a virtual personal landing page for corporate clients and another for wholesale suppliers and another for retail – all relatively simply achieved through tweaking the template format and making things suit the traffic it is attracting.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Promoting Internal Pages

Here's some priceless information on SEO.

Give Visitors what they expect - to drill down into the content to find sub-niches, topics of interest and other relevant content that is worth investigating – including outbound links to authority sites.

This site is listed in Craig's Directory

By spending your limited online marketing budget reaching out to like minded individuals who value the content you have surrounded your website with (like blogs, social media, domain name match sites). 
 Promoting Internal Pages.

Monday 11 February 2013

Fresh Content Updated Regularly

Instead, be on topic, niche specific and, introducing another important concept, fresh. 
The search engines like fresh, relevant content, so they can pass on the latest ideas and research and products available. 

Sure, they have all the historical stuff from the past decade of the internet, but what really rewards searchers is fresh, unique content.  We want to be up to date and in the moment.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Getting a New Website in Newcastle

Promoting your website online is as simple as regularly updating your blog, keeping tabs on a Facebook page, maintaining a presence in industry forums and submitting relevant articles and authoritative advice.  Sounds confusing?  Well it can be to those who have to maintain their business in the “real world” and then find there is a parallel “online world” that demands the same level of commitment and accountability. 

So you are best advised to outsource you online web promotion – or at least get steered in the right direction with an introductory training session with Newcastle Digital.
But back to the fundamentals of online web promotion - which is the basic truth that a website just left to it’s own devices will not magically flourish and attract traffic and convert sales – it will slowly wither and age and not really do much at all.

So what we need to do is get your website out there mingling with the crowd – with like minded similar sites brimming with customers and sales reps from your suppliers and your tradeshows and conferences and the like.  Someone has to be putting your website out there so it is slowly building an presence in your chosen niche and most likely growing in authority and recruiting for itself a higher flow of link juice.  Which roughly translates into being high in the search results.  Which is what we want, after all.

So with some regular training and updates, like reading the Newcastle Digital newsletter and following the hints and tips for increasing your organic ranking, you will soon be practising online web promotion without even knowing it.

And that’s when you start to see some really dramatic results and entrench your site at the top of the rankings for your most lucrative keywords.  So the prevailing advice it to get off to  flying start with some sustained online web promotion for at least the first twelve months so your site gathers some initial momentum.